Годовые доходы федерального бюджета в 2010 фискальном году составили 2.161 трлн против 2.104 трлн в прошлом году. Доходы в 2010 году соответствуют 2005 году, что можно считать крайне негативным моментом, учитывая рост экономики, трудоспособного населения за этот период и статистический рост доходов бюджета, которые с 81 по 2001 год составляли в среднем 6.6% годовых. Расходы упали всего на 1.8% по отношению к рекордному 2009 году и составили на этот раз 3.456 трлн. Расходы за 5 лет выросли на 40% на фоне нулевых темпов роста доходов. Ниже на графике графическая интерпретация сказанного…
Дефицит в сентябре 2010 был сформирован за счет рекордных в истории расходов бюджета на уровне 279.7 млрд против 264.1 млрд в прошлом году. Доходы в сентябре традиционно растут, на этот раз 245.2 млрд против 218.9 млрд в 2009.
Динамика доходов и расходов с 2006 года представлена ниже
Общий дефицит/профицит федерального бюджета с 2005 года. Как видно на гистограмме на данный момент дефицит бюджета наблюдается уже 24 месяц в подряд, что является рекордной в истории серией.
Как можно увидеть ниже дефицит в сентябре наблюдался только лишь 7 раз с 80 года и только в 2009-2010 он был наиболее существенный. Сентября, так же, как и апрель обычно профицитный для бюджета США, так что отчет можно считать негативным. В октябре данные выйдут гораздо хуже, там можно ожидать более 100 млрд.
Основные статьи расходов: здравоохранение, социальная политика, оборона и понятное дело Казначейство). Слева-направо (в этом месяце, в этом году общие, в 2009 году общие)
Отчеты Минфина США можно посмотреть здесь
Еще отличный обзор здесь http://www.ustreas.gov/press/releases/tg911.htm на счет того, куда тратились деньги.
Кстати, на счет того, куда деньги Казначейство сливает.
Сначала по программе TARP, но это за 2008-2009. Данные программ за 2010 будут подготовлены позже
# Department of the Treasury -- Outlays for the Department of Treasury totaled $444.4 billion, $49.0 billion lower than the MSR estimate. Major differences from the MSR estimate include the following:
* The TARP had net outlays of $9.0 billion for the loan, equity and housing programs, $25.9 billion lower than the MSR estimate. The decrease in net outlays was the result of lower-than-projected net disbursements in TARP investment, loan, and housing programs.
* FY 2010 outlays for the Small Business Lending Fund (SBLF) were below the MSR estimate by $1.0 billion because the legislation establishing the SBLF was not enacted until September 2010, and no outlays were recorded in FY 2010.
* Outlays from payments to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under Treasury's Preferred Stock Purchase Agreements (PSPAs) were $52.6 billion in FY 2010, $16.4 billion less than estimated in the MSR. This difference was due almost entirely to lower-than-expected outlays in the fourth quarter. PSPA outlays are determined by the quarterly financial results of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as reported in their financial statements and are highly dependent on GAAP accounting standards and assumptions about future U.S. home prices.
* Outlays for refundable tax credit programs and other Internal Revenue Code-based programs administered by Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service were about $7 billion lower than estimated in the MSR. The First-Time Homebuyer Credit Program accounted for the largest part of this decrease, coming in lower than expected by more than $5 billion due to significantly fewer claims received and/or paid out during FY 2010 than previously estimated. In addition, a Recovery Act program that provides cash assistance to States in lieu of low-income housing tax credits outlaid $2.2 billion less than the MSR estimate, largely due to Congress not enacting the Administration's proposal to extend the program. Outlays for the Child Tax Credit and Making Work Pay Credit were below MSR estimates by $1.8 billion and $2.4 billion, respectively, as the state of the economy generally reduced taxpayers' eligibility for these credits. These below-MSR outlays were partially offset by COBRA program outlays nearly $3.1 billion above the MSR estimate. This difference was attributable to a difference in classification of the COBRA payments between the MSR estimates and the year-end actual results, and was offset in the results for individual income tax receipts.
* Interest on the public debt, which includes interest paid to Government accounts as well as interest paid to the public, was $414.0 billion, $5.8 billion lower than the MSR estimate. Interest paid to Government accounts was $5.0 billion lower than projected, due primarily to lower-than-estimated interest paid to trust funds, as discussed below. Interest paid to the public was $0.8 billion lower than estimated in the MSR due to lower-than-projected new borrowing, interest rates, and growth in the Consumer Price Index.
* An additional $15.6 billion of the difference in Treasury outlays was due to intra-governmental interest transactions with credit financing accounts, including $11.7 billion lower-than-projected interest paid to credit financing accounts and $27.3 billion lower-than-anticipated receipts of interest from credit financing accounts. (Interest received from credit financing accounts is reported in Treasury's aggregate offsetting receipts.) Transactions with the TARP financing accounts comprised $17.1 billion of the total $15.6 billion difference, slightly offset by a $1.5 billion net difference in interest transactions with other credit financing accounts. Relative to the MSR estimates, interest paid to TARP financing accounts was $1.9 billion lower and interest received from TARP financing accounts was $19.0 billion lower. These differences were primarily the effects of TARP statutory requirements for interest rates; actual TARP financing account interest transactions are recorded using Treasury interest rates, while budget projections use market risk-adjusted rates.
И вот еще интересный документ, чтобы на цифрах понять соотношения между 2009 и 2010 http://www.treas.gov/press/releases/docs/Tables2and3.pdf
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